


"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash."

General George S. Patton


Mark Witczak began Out of Nowhere because he believes there is a major disconnect in how Information Technology risk analysis is conducted and what executives need from it. Too often businesses become tripped up, or fail altogether, because they have created silos of risk management within their organizations. Mark has 15 years of experience providing risk assessments to Information Technology leadership and executives. He has seen the bad effects of isolating risk management to individual programs. Now he is helping corporations understand the bigger picture of how Information Technology risks can spill over into other areas of the business.

Prior to starting Out of Nowhere, Mark worked in the telecommunications industry for corporations including Sprint/Nextel. He was also a Principle Management Consultant and Project Management Subject Matter Expert for PricewaterhouseCoopers. On occasion he has been known to do work for federal agencies, such as the Department of Labor, IRS, and FAA.

Mark graduated from Michigan State University's College of Engineering with a BS in Computer Science and minors in Telecommunications and Combinatorial Mathematics. He also has an MBA in Finance from The George Washington University.


Contact Information

Mark Witczak